Fear of public speaking can prevent you from achieving great accomplishments that most of the people who have triumphed over the fear of public speaking are enjoying.you need to steal the light from your competitors by speaking in a breathtaking manner in front of others.for instance,in a business meeting.public speaking is the skill that you need to be armed with when you are to set for a job interview and so on so forth.Hence,fortifying yourself with this invaluable skill can give you an unfair advantage over your competitors.over the following lines,you will learn the very techniques than you need to apply before you launch your public speaking event :
1) The most important aspect of your presentation is your audience, as meeting their expectations about what you have to say is your first and foremost concern.for this purpose,studying the audience is the first thing to do in order for you to understand them well and hence communicate with them based on what you learnt.to do this effectively,ask yourself the following questions: - what are their educational background about the subject matter? -their age,gender and sexual orientation?,marital status?,occupations? -do I know something about their interests? values? political views? religious believes? -what the audience know? What they want to know? And what are their reasons to listen? -......etc Got it? Great,by answering these questions,you are in the right track in building a successful relation with the audience.
2) decide what is the purpose of your presentation.usually,we present in order to inform,entertain or persuade,determine the specific objective of this presentation by limiting the area of research in your preparation stage.to help you more,the specific purpose is what the main message you want your audience to grasp.now the way is paved for the preparation stage.
3)after you have determining the focus of your public speaking event,It's time to research your topic.your audience are expecting an thorough and brand new information about the subject matter.so take your time in exploring the topic so as to satisfy their needs.here are some resources you may want to use : -Books -encyclopedias -newspapers -magazines -atlases -professional journals -audio recording -videos -T.V -Interviews -Internet You can copy the exact content with the respect of the copywriting laws,paraphrase paragraphs or simply summarize content.
4)Now we've reached the last step in your preparation process.Once you have found the needed information,now it's time to organize them.perhaps the easiest way is to divide them into : introduction,body and conclusion. You may want to start organizing your introduction first however,start with the body will help to reach a great introduction.
Look at your research list components and see how you can divide them into easy-to-remember points.a short speech of 5 minutes should not contain more than three or four main points.determining your body will effectively generate great introduction and conclusion.in most cases,your introduction should function as an attention grabber and tease the curiosity of the listeners. While the introduction induces the audience to listen,the conclusion should serve the purpose of reviewing the main points and shape them in a way that makes them digestible .finally,insert a well structured sentence that ensure to leave a great impression about you and your presentation.
SIMON GARMAH is an executive Communications Consultant and Coach. He is president of Lifestyles Communications, Inc. which helps individuals communicate in the new global and virtual world. His fear public speaking blog.So take the first step toward conquering your fear of public speaking
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