I am sure you have been awed or inspired by some really great speakers with amazing public speaking skills. But they are far and few. While most of the other speeches or presentations you have attended were not memorable at all, because the speakers were there merely to deliver some verbal presentations.
Here are some important factors which can make your message clearly understood and memorable. They are:
1.Know the purpose or the aim of the presentation
Before you even start researching on your talk or presentation, it's crucial for you to the purpose of your talk or presentation. Is it to train, to persuade, to recommend, to inform or to entertain? What do you want to tell your listeners and why are they there to hear it.
Plus, you need to know who your audience is. What are their interests, presuppositions, values, their language level, and etc.
Then the key question is how are you to know whether you can successfully communicate to your audience? Besides the appropriate content, how are you going to convey your message effectively. Is the level of the language used can be understood fully by your audience? The approach to your speech or presentation, is it acceptable by them? All thee have to be answered, so you can deliver an effective speech or presentation.
2.Make the message simple and vivid
Remember when it comes to speech, the message has to be precise. Make use of less wording. If you are using visual aids to highlight your core message, then make sure they are there for that sole purpose. Do not display lots of fanciful stuff to buy time or cover up your weak content. Again limit the number of slides or charts. Less is more.
3.Be well-prepared
The most important public speaking skills of all is preparation with a capital P. Make sure you have ample time to do your research, gettting information about your audience, preparing your audio visual materials, rehearsal and etc. If you are well-prepared, the problem of the fear of speaking will be hugely diminished. In fact what makes a good speech is done before you ever stand up in front of an audience and open your mouth.
4.Deliver it clearly and with impact
After all the hardwork of preparation, the ultimate test is your delivery. It has to to be impactful to be memorable. With all the materials in hand, now you have convey the message clearly to be understood. Make use of your voice, body language, hand gestures, visual-aids to enhance your delivery.
Use simple relevant examples to help you to bring your message across effectively. Don't rush, pace yourself well. Know when to pause for them to digest your message and for you to take a breather to plan your next point.
Learn from speaker Malcolm Dexter on how to handle the fear of public speaking phobia and tips on how to write a speech.
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